
Site Updates

I am starting a news area for updates to the site. Recently I’ve made a large number of updates to various books that have been pushed around or removed from Diamond Previews (thanks DC). I’ve also been working on a few new features for the collected editions tables:

  • The table is now 3 columns with a + sign to expand out to a lot more data. Currently it has the Publisher, Diamond Code, Price, and a link the Diamond previews page for any book I’ve got a Diamond code for.
  • I’ve added the ability to scroll sideways in mobile view. Previously the side of the table would get cut off and there was nothing you could do. Now you can scroll over. I noticed that the “Collects” column is simply too big to fit properly otherwise.
  • I’ve added this news category to the home page! I will generally drop in here to mention bigger site updates and such and leave the new solicits to the slider above unless it seems advantageous to show those off too.

Leave comments if you have any suggestions for fixes, features, or dates you’ve noticed are wrong and I’ll take a look!


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.