
Moving Stuff Around

So I went ahead and moved the DC cancellation graveyard to the Archive page. I’ve also moved the month of December over as well so now that page is basically all of 2020 contained. I went through and did a huge update on all the books from recent months of solicits and all that as I miss a few in between here or there sometimes.

I also started a Facebook and Twitter for the site just so you know when I post news, solicits, etc. Feel free to follow me so you can stay up to date (and I will of course post in the omnibus collectors group).

Also if you haven’t already noticed, this month’s Pre-order page is live. This page is something our friend Vertigo puts together where he pulls in all the books that can be ordered from DCBS and categorizes them/makes them filterable and sortable. If you’re a little newer to DCBS (maybe you started ordering there after multiple omnipocalypses), this page is going to be a HUGE help to you. This month he also added a column to denote if something is actually NEW or just a restock of an existing book.


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.