Fantagraphics April 2025 Solicitations

Fantagraphics April 2025 Solicitations
Common abbreviations
- TP/TPB: Trade Paperback
- SC: Softcover (like a TPB)
- HC: Hardcover
- FC: Full Color
- DM: Direct Market. This refers primarily to comic book stores or online shops that order via the same means as a comic book store (primarily Diamond or Lunar). Places like Amazon or Barnes and Noble will generally NOT have these variants.
- FOC: Final Order Cutoff – The time an order has to be submitted by the vendor. Also when you need to get your order in by at TalesofWonder for preorders.
- RES: Resolicit – A new listing for a product that was previously solicited in PREVIEWS or New to Order, and which is being listed anew since the original Solicitation was cancelled either by the vendor or by Diamond.
- O/A: Offered Again – This designates an item that has been previously solicited and released, but is being solicited again.
Creators: (W) Marti Riera Ferrer, Art Spiegelman (A) Martí Riera Ferrer (CA) Marti Riera Ferrer
Price: $29.99 | ISBN: 9798875000591 | Product Code: 0225FB492
In-Store Date: 4/30/2025
Coupling the grand guignol morality of Paul Schrader and Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver with the squashed black-and-white perspectives and grotesque human physiognomy (and humanity) that defines Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, Martí’s The Cabbie (starring the eponymous “hero” known only as the Cabbie) was first published in installments in 1980s Spain, a product of a life lived under, and coming out of, Franco’s fascist dictatorship.In Volume One (initially published in 2011), the Cabbie’s father’s coffin is stolen in an act of vengeance for the Cabbie’s vigilantism — right after his mother tells him his inheritance is inside! Cabbie takes to the mean streets in a quest to find it. In Volumes Two and Three (both never before available in English), Cabbie runs the gauntlet of mad science, dog races where the dogs chase humans, evil millionaires, presidents, and popes in addition to every nightmare scenario imaginable. Ultra violent, ultra profane, and ultra vicious, The Cabbie is filled with scummy noir characters exaggerated to the absolute limit — and the worst of them all might be the titular Cabbie, precisely because, not unlike Travis Bickle, he sees himself as a force for good.There have been various incomplete English editions over the last four decades, but this is the definitive Cabbie saga published in English for the first time, complete with “extras,” including a cover gallery!
Creators: (W/A/CA) Janice Shapiro
Price: $39.99 | ISBN: 9798875000553 | Product Code: 0225FB493
In-Store Date: 4/2/2025
When Ida is sent away for the summer to stay with the Murphys — friends of her father, but also of Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald — she travels from New York to France and, unknowingly, into the artistic epicenter of 1929. There, she meets their haughty, sullen, and precocious daughter, Honoria, and wonders if she can be friends with the prettiest girl in the whole world. In the “perfect inverted world” of adults, one of constant play and leisure — and inebriation, of course — it’s the children who most acutely perceive the pervasive unhappiness bubbling beneath the surface gaiety.Achingly sad and effortlessly funny, full of the kind of youthful sincerity unclouded by pretenses of age, short story writer and cartoonist Janice Shapiro’s debut graphic novel, Honoria, is the complex story of the education of two young girls who have started moving slowly into womanhood.
Creators: (W/A/CA) Neal Adams, Jim Steranko, Barry Windsor-Smith
Price: $34.99 | ISBN: 9798875000379 | Product Code: 0225FB494
In-Store Date: 4/30/2025
In 1969, with its revolutionary superhero line well established, Marvel took a chance on the kind of supernatural, EC-style anthology series that had been banned since the formation of the Comics Code in the 1950s. Tower of Shadows featured a staggering array of artists and writers, including Neal Adams, Jim Steranko, Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, Gene Colan, Wally Wood, Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, John Romita, Johnny Craig, Marie Severin, Gerry Conway, and Bernie Wrightson, to name a few. Freed from the conventions of the superhero adventure, these creators brought their storytelling skills to a more quietly sinister genre, producing atmospheric gems of twisted suspense and sardonic horror.Not only do these nine issues feature Marvel’s best creators working at their peak, but Tower of Shadows is one of the lost, never-collected Marvels. In the first of a new series of Lost Marvels, Fantagraphics and Marvel join forces to introduce these pages to a new generation of readers and restore this series to its rightful place in comics history. This gorgeous volume brings every Tower of Shadows story and cover to life in vivid color and features background and analysis by comics journalist Michael Dean.
Creators: (W/A/CA) Kayla E.
Price: $29.99 | ISBN: 9781683969280 | Product Code: 0225FB495
In-Store Date: 4/9/2025
“If an exorcism can ever be slow and quiet, then every panel I’ve finished has felt something like an exorcism. The gutters give me space to make sense of things: to connect dots and close gaps. To remember.” Kayla E.’s Precious Rubbish is an experimental graphic memoir drawn in a style that references the aesthetics of mid-century children’s comics and tells the story of a childhood shaped by maternal emotional dysregulation, rural poverty, and incest. The author’s childhood is portrayed as a collection of short-form comics and gag panels punctuated by interactive elements like paper dolls, satirical advertisements, games, and puzzles.While the work is concerned with violence and a particularly Texan brand of Pentecostal fanaticism, it is presented in a playful visual language with a deadpan humor that elevates the material beyond mere graphic memoir. Precious Rubbish is a landmark work of comics storytelling and graphic medicine.The debut graphic novel from artist Kayla E., Precious Rubbish asks the reader to do the extratextual work of filling out narrative gaps, which mirrors the challenge of trauma recollection. The reader is invited to co-labor in the meaning-making process, an exercise that facilitates an intimacy (between the author, the subject, and the reader) that is at once horrifying and hilarious.
Creators: (W) Mieke Versyp (A/CA) Sabien Clement
Price: $34.99 | ISBN: 9798875000430 | Product Code: 0225FB496
In-Store Date: 4/9/2025
Feeling adrift after her daughter leaves the nest, Rita makes the audacious move to model nude for a live drawing class. There, she meets Esther, an artist who sees beyond the superficial and captures people’s true essences in her drawings. The two connect as kindred spirits, and their unexpected, yet endearing relationship teaches them to accept their eccentricities and feel comfortable in their own skin.Skin is the striking debut graphic novel by writer Mieke Versyp and illustrator Sabien Clement. In this seamless collaboration, poetic turns of phrase pair with impressionistic watercolors, creating a tangible intimacy between words and imagery. Keen observation and dynamic artistry combine to tell a tender story of the human condition, as playful and devastating as life itself.
Creators: (W) Wallace Wood, Al Feldstein, Ray Bradbury (A/CA) Wallace Wood
Price: $39.99 | ISBN: 9798875000393 | Product Code: 0225FB497
In-Store Date: 8/20/2025
This mouth-watering collection features the finest (and rarest!) science fiction stories Wallace Wood ever drew — more than two dozen! Wood’s meticulously detailed, genre-defining brushwork introduces you to breathtaking planetary vistas, terrifying aliens, and sleek rocket ships surging with the power to conquer the stars.Our title story is a rarity that never appeared in any EC comic. Written and drawn for a 3-D comic that was canceled before it could be printed, we present it here in easy-on-the-eyes 2-D. Then, Wood’s most iconic story, “My World” is a stunning showcase of the preternatural talent and technique he brought to all his stories. Also included are his trilogy of Ray Bradbury adaptations — “Home to Stay,” “There Will Come Soft Rains…” and “Mars Is Heaven!” — plus “He Walked Among Us,” a “what if…?” variation on Bradbury’s “The Man” from The Illustrated Man.But that’s not all! An incredible science fiction bonus: Al Feldstein wrote many stories of people reaching from the beyond to right a wrong, but with this volume, in a twist worthy of the best of EC, he does the same himself! In 1955, the Comics Code rejected the second page of “You, Rocket” and forced EC to completely rewrite and redraw it. When the original art for that rejected page was rediscovered, one panel was missing. But Feldstein, in a middle-finger gesture to the Code and its heavy-handed censorship, wrote a new panel, restoring “You, Rocket” to what it was always meant to be. Sadly, he passed away before his final EC writing assignment was published. But here it is now, for the first time anywhere. Justice from beyond the grave.26 stories in all, most scripted by EC legend Al Feldstein, plus in-depth commentary by EC experts Thommy Burns, Grant Geissman, and Jon Gothold. The Spawn Of Venus And Other Stories is the ultimate EC Wallace Wood science fiction collection.
Creators: (W/A/CA) Marco Rota
Price: $34.99 | ISBN: 9798875000447 | Product Code: 0225FB499
In-Store Date: 4/9/2025
It’s Donald Duck’s fierce ancestor—played by Donald himself—versus evil medievals in a much-requested miniseries! When Viking raids capture half of Scotland, it’s up to Commander Andold “Wild Duck” Temerary, his super-strong knightly pal Little Bo, and his brainy fiancée Lady Aydis to keep the peace. But with cursed runestones, lurking longboats, and barbarians at the gates, our heroes better grab their swords and shields! Along with four awesome Andold epics—some new to North America!—this Viking-size collection includes modern-day Donald and Uncle Scrooge thrills and spills, including manic McDuck treasure hunts and “Commuter Crisis”… the tale of Duckburg’s most ridiculous rush hour!
Trade Paperbacks
Creators: (W/A/CA) Ali Fitzgerald
Price: $24.99 | ISBN: 9798875000584 | Product Code: 0225FB498
In-Store Date: 4/2/2025
Hazel and her parents live an idyllic life in a treehouse in the PAW (Perfect Animal Worlds) Biosphere among a series of ecologically controlled environments populated by genetically created and enhanced animals and flora. As scientists working for PAW, together with founder Dr. Henry Nimick, the McCrimlisk’s mission is to create a world that will usher in an era of “good evolution”, populated with animals and plants that can transform pollution and other environmental hazards to make the region clean and habitable. But one foggy night, Hazel’s parents are suddenly kidnapped. With the help of her animal friends Chimi (a multilingual toucan), Nina (a pet-sized elephant who exhibits super-strength), and her human friend (comics lover and mythology expert) Alex, Hazel tracks clues throughout the various biodomes and climates uncovering what happened to her parents and leading her to… a monster?!?Author Ali Fitzgerald charmingly wrote, drew, lettered, and colored this book featuring an imaginative setting rich with detail and an expressive brush-pen style with a good sense of personality and motion. Her colorful, anthropomorphic characters are bright and funny sleuths alongside Hazel as they follow the clues together. Filled with puns and hijinks, readers will delight in this mystery with an ecological message.