
Restocks and Contact Forms

So you should have noticed the “Restock” menu now at the top of the site. Molly from the Omnibus Collectors Group is running a script that checks a list of requested items on IST daily to see if anything is back in stock then adding the updates to the site here for easy archiving. We’ve also worked up a form for adding new items to the list as well as signing up for email updates if you’d like.

Additionally, I’ve added a couple contact forms. One for corrections, missing info, etc and one for general site suggestions/requests. Please feel free to reach out. I’m only one person so I don’t always see every single thing and some people have great suggestions (not to mention if I see the same thing a few times that will probably push me to put some work into adding new things).

Of course as always, I’ve made a bunch of updates to the database. There were a bunch of release date changes, additions, more info on some things, etc. I’m always adding more info to these and manually checking the Previews shipping updates and such as well as using the weekly list from IST that has updates (but again I’m not omnipotent so if you see something, say something 😛 ).


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.