
If you feel like helping

A close friend of ours in the Comic Releases community has recently run into a bit of a hard spot. I’m not going to go into great detail because we’re trying to protect their privacy during a hard time, but if you’d like to help support a beloved member of the CR community, we started a GoFundMe page to help pay down their medical bills.

I will also be donating the next couple months of my Patreon subs to the cause so if you’re a subscriber, thank you very much, you are now also helping out! Additionally we’re going to be running some auctions for books in a few places (including the Comic Releases Discord) to try and get a little extra to donate as well. So if you want to buy some books or even donate some of your own to the cause, feel free to stop by!


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.